Sunday, August 17, 2008

Zombie Sex!

so i just watched a romantic Zombie movie and my first Question for that is how would/could a Zombie have sex? Man Zombie/living woman could the zombie get a erection and if it did would just fall apart or would it just start leaking blood and explode. Could it just like fall off in her vag (ewww gross) or could it even stay interested in sex long enough before it gets hungry and starts biting. Woman Zombie/living man it would just be too dry and you have to wear a condom cuase you don't want to get infected with Zombie virus or worse.
I watched the movie with corinne and mitch. Me and corinne watched the movie and mitch mostly just was playing on my tablet drawing stuff. I didnt know mitch had any talent drawing but they looked pretty good to me.
Work wasent that bad today, it was Me, Mitch and Kali in box office so we just burned threw the line so fast concession had no chance. Me and mitch just sat in box threw brake cuase thier was no one else cool working except brent but i just talked to him abit in the staff room as i went to get some energie drinks.

I got a bunch of comics today: Spider-man/Red sonja, The Amazing Spider-man(657), Venom Dark Origin, X-men(odd men out), X-men Origins Jean Grey

Just found this site

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