Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hey blog life

Im Bored like usual so im starting a blog becuase everyone else has one. I'll try to add every thing interesting that happens in my life(not much).
Last night was a usual night for me which means I was drinking with Mitch. I like beer so i tend to buy a lot of Guinness and Heineken but I'm usually not drunk after my nights of drinking i just enjoy the beer (it makes me feel cool)haha. This night was had at Ross's place which is soon to be Mitch's as well. The ones I know live in the house are Ross, Zach, Mitch and lolcat so ill probably end up spending a lot of time hanging out at this place. I was going to watch X-files this night but i wanted hang out afterward so i had cancel that and just wait till Mitch was off work at 10:15 so instead i went to the LB and bought 4 Guinness and some random beer. I went to pick up Mitch and Corinne and we went to DQ and got some stuff. When we got to Ross's it was full of drunk guys so thier wasent that much room so we look at some Foxx magizene and I drank my random beer. A bunch of the drunk guys left so we a lot more room. zach was hungry so we walk to to mr. sub but it was closed but we did find a black kitty that they ended up keeping and named it lol or something. so we drove in my car to corinnes house to pick up some cat stuff then we drove around and got some food at Mcdonolds. thats the night.

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